Friday, July 30, 2021

On Cycles, Natural and Civilized


 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 

                                                                                       --Solomon in Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV

All this has happened before. All this will happen again.

                                                                                        --Pythia, Battlestar Galactica

Whenever dharma or righteousness is on a decline in this world, and adharma or evil is on the rise, taking over the souls of men, I will descend to the earthly plane, as another of my avatars. For the protection of what is good, and the destruction of what is evil, for the re-establishment of dharma, I will do so in every yuga or era. 

                                                                                        --Bhagavat Gita


The main thought that plagues me about our world, nay our universe is how old it is and yet there is this component to it that says to me that this isn't round one. Whether or not you believe in the great cycle, small cycles or this is the first ride. Their seems to me to be an order from all the chaos. A design in the madness if you will. Science holds to many indicators of closed loops.

Preservation of Matter/Energy is a closed loop. Matter is neither created nor destroyed but can be converted to energy and energy to matter. We say that the energy cycle of earth is an open loop with the leaking of heat and light radiation bouncing off the earth and traveling into the cosmos and the sun adding to the heat and light radiation of earth as it emits rays that strike us. This in turn interacts with the tilt of the earth creating the seasons. Further earths rotational speed causes the wind's Coriolis effect which creates trade winds, sea currents and when combined with terrain, latitude/longitude and the aforementioned earth's tilt; finally creates climates. However, the universe contains this energy and if the Big Bang and Big Bounce/Crunch theories are correct the universe will expand until it reaches the point where escaping particles or light and heat slow and inevitably will be pulled back in to a tight gravitational collapse. The whole universe becoming so dense and compact that the ensuing reaction would cause a repeat of the Big Bang. A great cosmological cycle.

Cycle of life is a closed loop. All things that die comeback through being devoured by something else. Insects, plants and fungus devour the dead returning to food for the living which in turn dies feeding the plants. Rain/Evaporation is also closed loop. This is many more examples are related to the Biogeochemical cycle. 

All of these systems seem to be on a wheel of time ever spinning and cycling around. It stands to reason that similar things can and may have happened within the development of society and civilization. Our own civilizations can be traced back to the Indus valley, Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. We know about these civilizations mainly because of the wonderous monuments and constructions they left behind starting roughly five to seven thousand years ago. Some older examples have been found in bones, pottery and tools prior to that. These relics were preserved as much by the climatic areas they were found in and the sheer size and choice of materials. It is very possible that there were other examples of civilizations in the 4 million+ years of human evolution. A cyclical collapse of sorts.

I find it intriguing looking at the rise of metallurgy in the Bronze to Iron age. Three factors seem to apply here. 1) The availability of copper and tin in certain regions 2) the knowledge and use of these materials 3) the spread of trade to other parts of the world Europe and Asia. Over the course of 2000 years the spread of this material reaches great extent but the limited sources of material see us focus in on these areas as being more advanced. We tend to think of these areas as being settled and more advanced civilizations. Is it possible that these areas had goods that would last longer but were no more settled or advanced than other cultures.

In the Americas we think of the Aztecs, Toltecs and Mayans as being more advanced. Even the pueblo building civilizations as being more advanced. However, it is coming to light that there were many pre-Columbian civilizations like the wood and river Ancestral peoples. These peoples are listed as hunter-gatherers by most archeological sources due to little if any surviving material evidence. I don't make a metal fork if a wood fork meets my needs...

Likewise, northern Europe and many parts of Asia and Africa are in similar circumstances. Tombs found in the UK, France and Russia date to the time of, if not before the pyramid of Dojer. Beyond bronze why are we so convinced that these groups remained hunter/gatherers later than the other civilizations of our world.

 Without the preserving effects of the deserts of the middle east and America southwest or the megalithic structures of the Pyramids, tombs and temples left behind would we draw the same conclusions regarding the origin of civilization?

If not then is not possible that as wide spread as humanity was in 4000 BCE, are we absolutely convinced that the bronze age was not a more severe emergence from a Dark Age like what befell in Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Was Stone Age life so much different from Bronze age life. Was writing only invented in the bronze age. Or do we just not have access to any surviving materials from those times?

Earliest bipedal "humans" are thought to emerge 4 million years ago. The oldest stone tools were 3.3 million years ago. The oldest extent structure is 2 million years ago. Surviving hides and tents from 10000 BCE and a structure with a timber supported roof in Czech Republic dating from 23000 BCE. Bely the fact that only settled civilizations began in the bronze age. Knowing where and how these items were found in caves and protected environments lead me to more questions then answers. Science focuses on what can be proven based on facts but a certain amount of speculation is free for us writers and world builders. 

If the last ice age lasted from 50000 BCE to 10000 BCE in northern Europe. Is it not possible that the great glacial scouring of that time would have wiped away much of anything a civilization would have built. And if global warming were to bring about rising seas today where 40% of the earth's population lives. And if there was a return of another ice age how much of our civilization would not be reclaimed by nature and destroyed in the next 40,000 years as our descendants clawed for survival and back to some level of technology to be able to dig into our own past?

Lastly I leave you to ponder Toynbee's theory on Societal Collapse which in its own way is the cyclical nature of civilization. Civilizations go thru several distinct phases based on his review of 28 civilizations throughout history.

  • 1) Genesis - ie creation or founding
  • 2) Growth - increasing in scope and size
  • 3) Time of Troubles - outside pressures
  • 4) Universal State - dominant minority tries to hold control by force
  • 5) Disintegration - the inevitable collapse and migration/survival of the few

In phase 1 thru 3 the creative minority in authority is able to found, convince and extract cooperation from the masses. These creative minority are able to stave of external outside pressures such as Natural Disasters, Shift in Climate, Famine, Drought, Disease, Foreign Invasions, Economic Depressions, Mass Migrations and Internal Strife. Eventually the creative minority achieves a state of cognitive decline where creativity is stymied or out paced by the problems at hand. The Dominant Minority then turns to force or dogmatic tenets that create an Us vs Them situation. By which the Us tries to retain privilege and the them become envious of said privilege. These tenets like idealization of the past, idealization of the future, removal from the realities of the world (drugs, sex, spiritualism, double speak, isolationism etc.),  give rise to a new "Church" or prophetic cures, ie snake oil sales man with the cure all to the ills of the day. This results in abandoning the reality of the problem and clinging to truancy from life, martyrdom, and losing self-control. There comes a clinging to institutions not for what they provide but for what they formerly represented, could represent or the escape they provide. His critics oft cite that their is too much focus on the divine within his theory, but I think religion and divine are misconstrued here for the ideals or moralities of the Culture in question. In many ancient cultures this would have been religion but in our own modern culture this more likely to be the new religions or Societal Morays we cling to in our day like Politics, Science, Political Correctness, Utopian Fairness, Big Business and Woke-ness. 

Of other interest may be the 50 year upset cycle where the first generation sets the rules, the second generation grumbling accepts the rules, and the third generations overthrows or rewrites the rules. Or the longer secular cycle in which the workforce is fairly equal, an elite minority arises from the masses, the mass workforce sees a lowering of standards of living via internal or external pressures, the elite minority turns to infighting rather than resolving the issues and society eventually collapses as the workforce disperses via migration, revolt or death. Detroit is a perfect example of the latter and the US the former. With risky societal errors in 1820(State vs Fed Rights, Govt of Elites vs Common Man), 1870 (Civil War), 1920 (Prohibition/Wall street Collapse/Great Depression), 1970 (Vietnam/Civil Rights) and 2020 (Covid/Riots/Trump/Biden).  

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