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Fighting for peace, is like f***ing for chastity
― Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis
Northern Ovelesk
New Arkhosia is the blossoming power of the last sixty years. It rises from the ashes of the Byzantine Marsonite empire that was weakened by the Great War and a series of plagues and disasters. The Dragonborn who rule it where the remnants of an Arkhosia that collapsed after the war with Bael Tuarth towards the end of the fourth age. New Arkhosia controls most of the lands west of the Molsomarc Mountains. In their minds they have just successfully freed their kinsmen from the tyrannical rule of the Gith in Omarond. The combined might of Omarond and New Arkhosia is in its manpower. Omarond is rich in minerals and timber. Arkhosia has the solid infrastructure of the Marsonite Road and Waterways. In addition it has access to moderate climate and rich soil, perfect for agricultural endeavors which the slave population of Teckla and conquered species work.
North of Arkhosia the Great Plain is inhabited by wild barbarian tribes of humans, orcs and goblins. They trade furs, hunted meat and woven items with Arkhosia. Their forces raid Arkhosia and utilizing viking fleets along the coast.
In the Akiesh Desert at the Northern Western edge of the continent, wild lizard men tribes compete with Khemblin dwarf miners. The Khembin export glass, and in the years before the Spell Plague residiuum.
Torvin is the last city of the Marsonites. Its association with the Khazad Dwarves located nearby make them a center of trade east of the Molsomarc. Minotaur League ships and Blue Elf Calivornias dock here, trading with the Zehir further east, the Amon Ka of Gaidan and Kinder of Kinderland.
Alzehir is a grouping of agriculture towns and small villages joined under a loose confederacy. The ruling council is comprised of elected representatives from each of the towns. Wine and oils are their major exports. Humans and Kinder are the primary species in the area.
Southern Ovelesk
Kuln exports metal working, stone work, glass and gems. Its nearby villages support the city with livestock and grown goods. Timber is taken from the mountain slopes near Neebo and Redfalls. A council of Thanes rule the four dwarven clans located here. With the High Thane chosen on a fifty year cycle.
Riddleport was ruled by a Pirate King until recently. It is now loosely associated with Arkhosia. Riddleport is mainly a commerce center, with its outlying villages supplying incense and wine for export.
Odanis is ruled by a magocracy. Its main export is magical wares. The cities main purpose is to support the Citadel's magical studies. The surrounding villages provide food and sustenance for the town.
East of the mountains large swamps and two deserts are infested with wild elves. The pixie eating Grell and canabalistic elves of the desert compete with wilder and more dangerous fare. The city of Kahlandryl supports forays into this wild area. The land is littered with the remains of the Daganti peoples. Treasure hunters brave the wilds looking for lost magical artifacts.
The Yew, Green and Werewoods are strictly protected against foresting. The Elven and Shifter inhabitants live on the land. Their xenophobic response to outsiders keeps most visitors away. Foon Takel and Cosdol are Gith and Elven settlements providing training in the magical arts on Yathe.
Minos produces wheat for export. Their naval forces protect the sea ways and enforce their dominance of the sea. Gullaga dwarves beneath the mountain at Taldras supplies weapons and arms to the Minotaur League.
Thak Tarkas is the primary source of minerals and metal working on Yathe. The dwarven clans here owe allegiance to the High Thane of Karnin. Their alliance with Minos remains intact though they no longer support Omarond.
The mud plains of Gnot Arc are inhabited by goblin kin. They eek out an existence on the scrub and insect population. Raids into other territories are common.
Ille Torassis is an island kingdom off the coast of Yathe. They compete with Riddleport and Minos for shipping. The fast and light Elvish vessels called Calivornias are the quickest vessels on the sea.
Stygia and Gehenna are both regions of danger for travelers. Stygia is the land of the undead. Its vampiric rulers have experimented with mass manufacturing and farming to little success. The Council of 13 rules the land. Zombie and ghoul slaves see to their masters whims. Food is brought in from the human farms north of Gehenna. Here humans that worship the vampires are raised for food. They lead a miserable existence on the edge of the arctic circle. The remainder of Gehenna is now the plague lands that was once the homeland of the giants. Only a few giants survived the spell plague. They are a scattered people. Adventurers willing to risk it can find many treasures both of the giant kin and the old Qal Met empire.
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