Not quite happy with the simplistic nature of yesterday's post, I write more on the subject today.
Kuln City Population 52,798 -The surrounding area has a population spread of 55 people per sq mile. Total Pop of City state = 55 x # of sq miles = 55 x 150 x 150 miles = 1.2 million people. This is based on research from here Kuln is surrounded by 21 mid sized towns and 3500 small villages. 43% of the land is used for agriculture, the other 57% is uninhabbited consisting of forest, rivers and lakes. Villages are within 1.5 miles of each other. Towns are 20 miles apart.
After the collapse of the Marsonite empire, refugees flocked to the protection provided by Kuln. With no central government the nearby towns and villages also turned to Kuln. Kuln who had subsisted by purchasing food and wares from the villages found its people demanding those services returned. The dwarves had no choice but to extend their rule outside the Rift. The Council of Thanes responded by establishing its border from Red Falls to the North along the Red River until it met the Azure River in the West. The eastern and southern border is formed by the Ash Mountains. The increased population and government required the city to expand outside the Rift. A multi-ringed wall was built and extended over the hundred years following. With other races came Temples of Foreign Gawds and an increased need for law enforcement. To govern and regulate the commerce of the populace the feudal and guild system of the Marsonites was adapted to the clannish system of the Dwarves.
Peerage of Kuln
- High Thane
- 4 x Thanes of the Clans
- 16 x Cheiftains of the Dwarvish Houses
- 3 x Marquis of the Marches, Red, Azure, Ash
- 21 x Counts
- 96 x Barons - 63 of various baronies, 33 heads of guilds
- Manor Lords, Baronets of Guilds
- Sheriffs, Knights, Housecarls
- Magistrates, Mayors, Reeves
- Gentry, Goodman, Goodwoman, Tax-Collector
Kuln Class Structure Dwarven
Royal House
Clan House
Craft Master
Craft Apprentice
Kuln Class Structure Non-Dwarven
Noble, Aristocrat
Guild Member, Non-Noble Merchant
Landed Freeman
Un-Landed Freeman, Peasant
Slave, Indentured Servant
Village Life
The masses of lower classes live on the toil of their back. They raise animals and farm on land belonging to a feudal hierarchy of nobles. A manor lord typically oversees several villages. A sheriff, mayor or reeve oversees the village. The lower class lives on and works the land. Typically they own no property. Not the huts they live in nor the tools they use to work with. Most of what is grown is taken to town markets for sale. What isn't sold is the food for the lower class. The overseer takes 90% of the revenue from these sales. The peasants split 10% for next years costs, tithes to the church and 1-2% for odds and ends. The overseer keeps 5% for himself and 3% to pay experts in the village for the next year. 82% is kicked up to The Lord Manor. The Lord Manor takes 8% for up keep of his estates, knights in his service. 74% is passed up to the barony. The Barony takes 12% for himself and his knights. 62% is sent up to the Count. The count claims 18% for road upkeep and protection, his estates and his household. 44% is received by the Marquis. They claim 20% for diplomatic and military purposes, and upkeep of estates. 24% is sent to the Thanes. 5% is taken by each thane with the High Thane taking an additional 4% for his house.
- Advocates, Lawyers
- Guardsmen, Prison
- Scribes and Printers
- Cobblers, Tanners and Furriers
- Carters, Carvers, Carpenters and Coopers
- Painters, Plasterers, and Sculptors
- Armorer, Blacksmiths, Silversmith and Tinmen
- Weavers and Clothiers
- Thatchers and Bricklayers
- Mercantile Houses (Transporters, Wagonmasters and Lightermen)
- Beer Sellers, Wineries, Inns and Taverns
- Masons
- Pathfinders and Rangers
- Fletcher's and Bowyers
- Bakers, Cooks, and Chefs
- Apothecaries, Doctors, and Alchemists
- Artificers
- Magic Users
- Bounty hunters, Mercenaries, Warriors, and Fighters
- Butchers, Fish Mongers, Hunters, Trappers and Slaughterhouses
- Bookbinders, Bleachers and Booksellers
- Locksmiths (Thieves Guild)
- Seamstresses (Prostitutes)
- Barbers, Bathers and Beauticians
- Chandlers, and Luminaries
- Mercer, Haberdasher, and Textiles
- Architect, Engineer
- Dyers and Fullers
- Engraver and Jewlers
- Glassblowers
- Moneylenders
- Potters
- Messengers, and Criers
- Gravediggers, Ratcatcher and Wastemen (Unofficial guild)
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